It can be hard to get someone’s attention through email when everyone’s inbox is crowded with junk. But illustrator Robert Pizzo knows how to get the attention of potential clients. He sends a unique illustration for holidays and other events that serve as examples of his talent as well as a way to stay at the top of potential clients’ minds. He’s surprised that more designers and small businesses in general don’t market themselves better through email.
“You’ve got to stay visible in the minds of clients and potential clients,” Pizzo explains. He finds email to be a flexible medium that he can adapt to the times, where direct mail tended to be stagnant and unchangeable once you approve a campaign.
Leave the Sales Push Out of It
Pizzo’s emails aren’t designed to make a big push toward a sale. He simply enjoys sending creative means of expression. If someone wants to buy, so much the better. He’s created email campaigns around Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, School’s Out, School’s In, Flag Day, Mid-Summer, Beware August, and Halloween Pumpkin Pie Recipes. He finds that by providing visually stimulating illustration, he gets people’s attention better than pushing for a sale.
The Right Place, The Right Time
Appearing in his contacts’ inbox each month proves its benefits: “A few months ago I sent something to a design firm and got an email back less than an hour later that a client of theirs requested something similar to my promo right afterwards. I landed a nice assignment from them not just because of my work, but also because I was right there at the right time. So the moral is: be there!”
Tips for Business Owners
Pizzo says that it’s important to measure out your marketing emails throughout the year: “Generally speaking, most folks don’t mind getting something about once a month, especially if it’s clever and timely.”
He says you should always ask for permission when emailing new people, and keep the content simple with no more than one image per email.